21 Days of Opportunity Forms a Habit

7 min readSep 9, 2021



As Corona Virus puts the world into lockdown, it’s important to highlight what we can do to overcome the next couple of weeks of social distancing and quarantine. The truth is, most of us never dreamed this could be a reality, watching similar experiences through movies and reading about it in history books. Unfortunately, the 21 day lockdown is here and its here to stay, at least for another 20 days.

March 28th 2020 and we are two days into quarantine. For some of us, we have the next couple of weeks figured out. While others, who have not often been subjected to time spent alone, are unsure as to what the next couple of weeks bring into their lives. Sitting in a conference call yesterday, I spoke with a friend of mine who wanted to share his thoughts going into the next couple of weeks of life.

We discussed how we were going to stay away from the anxiety and fear, and leverage on our own sense of optimism and opportunity. He told me of something he wrote down the day before and how he believes it will determine his mindset and focus for this anxious and uncertain period. He then expressed the term he created: “21 Days of Opportunity” and how it was going to change and shift his focus going forward.

This led me to think about the word “habit” and what it truly means.

Google sums it up as “a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.”


We all have habits, some healthier than others. Habits we’ve known our entire lives and habits we have only recently learnt.

The world needs everyone to make good decisions and to form healthy habits.

It is not up to you to choose to form a fearful habit or a habit filled with opportunity.

21 Days of Fear Forms a Habit

The world is anxious. People are scared. People are alone. Many people do not have work, are not making money and are not able to put food on the table. However, the undeniable truth is we have no control over these factors, only how we choose to respond to them.

By focusing on opportunity, we can eliminate fear all together. We can create momentum, happiness and positivity by a small action each and every day, or merely by shifting our mind.

A small reminder that we can determine the next few weeks of our lives, simply by changing the narrative.

We, as human beings, choose where to focus our discussions, thoughts and believe. Some of us believe in christ, while others believe in a higher being. Some of us believe in Arsenal, while others believe in Manchester United. Most people believe that Donald Trump has failed America, while others believe he is a capitalist hero.

We all believe in different things, which indirectly or directly determine rational thought and decision making.

This is no different.

We cannot shy away from the facts.

People are sick, people are dying and spreading the virus is a real and dangerous threat to society. However, the measures are in place and we are in the best possible position of empowering ourselves.

Are you going to live in 21 days of fear or do you want to live in 21 days of opportunity?

We are living in pressing times, with the entire world having been turned on its head.

However, through these difficult times are opportunities for growth and development.

During our conference call, we created an ideology, a belief; a system we are both choosing to follow.

21 Days of Opportunity Forms a Habit

Let’s break it down.

Each and every day, I ask you to focus on one activity, thought or action which could better your life for the next day or the foreseeable future. With this, you can focus on setting the intention with realistic goals which will allow you to achieve these objectives.

Scientists tell us that it takes only 21 days to form a habit, so why don’t we empower ourselves with 21 days of opportunity and encourage each other to be better?

Here is a list I have created, in order to put myself in a position of elevation, while up-skilling myself and focusing on developing healthy habits.

By shifting into this mindset, you can think and live this way beyond the 21 day lockdown. Having a small, focused and thoughtful approach now, could change your life tomorrow.

Personally, I want to be positive. I also want to find optimism and opportunities in all spheres of my life, even when we are faced with extreme adversity.

Here is Breakdown of the my First 10 Days of Opportunity:

Day 1: Setting a Daily Intention by focusing on a task or objective that is realistic and achievable over a period of time or in one day.

Day 2: I will use this time to get fitter, faster and stronger. I do not have a pool or a gym, but I have a body, equipment and space. I will take advantage of what I do have, not what I do not have.

Day 3: Honing in on my creativity and using writing as an outlet. Focusing on sharing valuable and insightful information that could help others, help myself and encourage more writing in future.

Day 4: Focus more on reading books that can encourage personal development, mental development and emotional development. I love researching neuropsychology, neuroscience, human behaviour and psychology outside of my interests in finance, business and leadership. This will open my mind and help me to continue to keep my mind active and focused, while developing other skills.

Day 5: Show more gratitude to myself and others around me. In this case family and friends and those I connect with online. Showing gratitude allows me to spend more time being thankful.

Day 6: Share motivational content online and encourage positivity and hope to people who need it most during this time. This is a personal goal of mine, something I believe I need to do and have needed to do for a while. This is something I resonate with and the more I post, the more I can help others.

Day 7: Be accountable, never give up and always believe in your ability. This is a mental or psychological goal focusing on self belief and encouraging myself to find strength internally, rather than externally.

Day 8: Spend more time with my dog, Oakley. Work less, play more and give him more love. During a time like this, our animals are there to console us and support us, never failing to show love.

Day 9: Achieve one hour of meditation today, without any distractions. This encourages mindfulness, solitude and the ability to be calm and collected during difficult decisions.

Day 10: Focus on spending less time online and on my phone. This allows me to detach from social media, other people and the current negativity online. By staying away from the fake news, stories and global fear and anxiety, I allow myself to be in control of myself and not be sucked into other peoples emotions.

By focusing on changing the narrative of the next 21 days and not being fearful and worried, I can then shift into a space of opportunity.

We all have the ability to shift in and out of whatever we choose to focus on, inadvertently choosing what feeds us too. If you are currently feeding into the turmoil of the world, ask yourself if it makes you happy and positive. If the answer is no, ask yourself how you can change this and improve your life.

Believe in the belief and change the fact.

The next 21 days of lockdown are up to you.

Choose to either let it consume you or find opportunity in every single day, action and thought.

What we choose to believe, the mind will perceive and conceive. This is a battle between scarcity and abundance and where you choose to place your energy.

If you want daily motivation, I use an app that sporadically sends motivational quotes throughout the day and might make your day a little more positive.

Plus, it is FREE!

Stay Safe and Wash Your Hands!

I hope I have been able to add value for you today, giving you hope for the coming weeks.

Check out the man behind the incredible focus, give him a follow: Clay More

